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When we start learning a new language, we are excited. We believe you should start right else in 98% of the case, eagerness to learn disappears once met with hardwork involved in learning new language.
We have tried our best to give you a quick and sound start to learning French language.

We can learn by two way:

1. By French Alphabetically
2. By French Pronunciation

The alphabets pronounced is different in french language.


Start learning French

To communicate and get started with French we have to remember the three things:

Key Verbs
Key Questions
Key Pronunciation

1. Key Verb

 French Words  English Words  French Pronunciation
 je suis  I am
 j'ai  I have
 Je sais  I Know
 je dois  I must
 je peux  I can
 Je vais  I Go
 Je viens  I Come
 Je sors  I Go Out,I Leave
 Je pars  I Depart
 Je reste  I Remain,I Stay
 Être   To Be
 Avoir  To Have
 À savoir  To Know
 Devoir  Ought To,Must
 Pouvoir  To Able,Can
 Vouloir  Want To
 Aller  To Go
 Venir  To Come
 Sortir  To Leave,Go Out
 Partir  To Depart
 Rester  To Remain,Stay

2. Key French Question

 French Words  English Words  Pronunciation  Question In French  Question in English
 Où  Where  Où est le taxi?  Where’s the taxi?
 Quelle  What  Quel (quels,quelle,quelles) est le problème?  What’s the problem?
 Qui  Who  Qui a pris mon stylo?  Who took my pen?
 Pourquoi  Why  Pourquoi es-tu ici?  Why are you here?
 Quand  When  Quand je suis heureux, je souri  When I’m happy,I smile
 Comment  How  Comment allons-nous trouver des informations?  How will we find informations?
 Combien  How Much, How Many  Combien ça coûte? Combien coûte six plus trois?  How much does it cost? How much is six plus three?

3. Alphabet

 Alphabet  Pronunciation in French  French Words  English meaning
 A  A as in “father”  Avocat  Avocado
 B  B as in “Bay”  Bébé  Baby
 C  C as in “Say” C as in “kite”  Cerf Coco  Deer Coconut
 D  D as in “Day”  Dodo  Dodo
 E  E as in “Euh”  Eléphant  Elephant
 F  F as in “Eiffel”  Fil  Thread
 G  G as in “Measure”  Rage  Rage
 H  H as in “Ash”  Hache  Axe
 I  I as in “eel”  Igloo  Igloo
 J  J as in “leaisure”  Jus  Juice
 K  K as in “cat”  Kayak  Kaya
 L  L as in “tell  Lapin  Rabbit
 M  M as in “Emma”  Macaroni  Macaroni
 N  N as in “Enjoy”  Nappe  Nap
 O  O as in “Goal” and als as in “Hot  Orange Oignon  Orange Onion
 P  P as in “pay”  Palais  Palace
 Q  Q as in “cue”  Quartre  Four
 R  R as in “Air”  Repas  Meal
 S  S as in “less”  Sari  Sari
 T  T as in “Stay”  Tableau  Board
 U  U as in “hue”  Uniforme  Uniform
 V  V as in “veil”  Vache  Cow
 W  W as in “Dooblvei”  Wagon  Wagon
 X  X as in “vicks”  Boxe  Boxing
 Y  Y as in E­grek  Yoyo  Yoyo
 Z  Z as in “Zed”  Zèbre  Zebra





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